Thinking that works!
Tailored and practical solutions to charities and nonprofits to optimize governance, strategy and impact
Now more than ever, charities and philanthropists need thinking that works! Thinking anchored in rich experience, reflective practice, and real insight into what makes people tick.
Let’s talk about effective governance, strategy and the impact you want your organization to have today.
What I do
Growing capacity for superior collective decision-making at the board table. Guiding organizations to new levels of trust and alignment between the board and management.
Coaching teams to
build bridges between strategy and execution, to fuel impact and drive purpose, to link strategic ambition with revenue.
Growing capacity of organizations to think purpose and impact when developing strategy and programs.
Creating capacity in CEOs, board leaders, and aspiring leaders to lead and grow a successful organization in today’s rapidly changing environment.
Executive Interim Management
Providing seasoned and effective leadership, able to step in and stabilize operations when public trust and internal cohesion are at risk.
Enabling effective and focused meetings. Amplifying voices and honouring diversity to make important decisions.
Growing capacity of organizations to drive revenue growth and funds available for mission impact.
Public Policy
Bringing systems-thinking to policy and government relations in the areas of social justice, health and human services.

Charities and philanthropists face a tough environment – but also one where opportunities abound. Has the time come for your organization to merge with a competing organization to propel impact or to transform fundraising for the digital age?

About me
I am a strategic advisor to charities and philanthropists. My own experience spans three decades in the health, human services, and cultural sectors.
Whether as CEO of Heart & Stroke Canada and the Multiple Sclerosis Society, or as the chief fundraiser of the Royal Ontario Museum and the Canadian Center for Architecture, I have led large teams, inspired boards and staff, built and executed strategy, developed alliances and joint ventures, implemented new social enterprise and fundraising revenue streams, and transformed mission, grant-making and public policy programs to deliver more social impact. I have written and taught non-profit governance and combine deep practical experience with knowledge of the literature. I am proficient in both French and English, not only bilingual but also bicultural.
Above all, I am respected for being an ethical leader who has earned the trust of donors, volunteers and colleagues.
It is this combination of practical experience anchored in reflective practice which is highly relevant to social purpose organizations of all types.
Are you exhausted in your role as CEO faced with mounting demands from funders, board members, and staff? What if you had a coach and mentor who listened attentively and helped you stress test your next big decision?